Welcome to my website. I'm Jackie Nelson, the mom of an amazing little girl, Daphne. With my writing, I explore my passion for raising awareness and acceptance of Autism, and give my daughter, Daphne, a universe in which she triumphs over obstacles using Autism as her super power.
There is always a victory around the corner waiting for us and I wanted to share Daphne's victories with the world.
Thank you so much for your support, I hope you enjoy our stories.
I'm pleased to announce "The Power Within" Is now available for purchase! Just click the link. Thanks!

J.E. Nelson
Jackie Nelson is a mother of two incredible kids, internationally published Author, and super nerd. She 1st began exploring her passion with writing soon after her daughter's Autism diagnosis. She was 1st published in Autism Parenting Magazine with her personal narrative,
"The Remarkable Day Daphne met the Doctor." This was all about Daphne and her love for Doctor Who. One day, while at a comic convention, Daphne made the joke that she would want to fight zombies. That is where and when the idea of The Power Within began. She decided to write a book, meant just for Daphne, as an empowerment piece to look back on and see just how incredible she is. She never expected The Power Within to grow into what it has. It is now a two book series, soon to be three. She is inspired daily by the love and support from friends, family, and fans. If you want to explore this adventure the Amazon links for The Power Within and The Power Unleashed can be found on this page or just click on the "get in touch" and shoot her a message. Thank you.

The Power Unleashed is here!
The 2nd book in The Power Within series has been released. It has been a long year of writing, editing, writing some more, finding the perfect artist for the cover, and now ready for purchase! I hope you are as excited as I am for Daphne's adventure to continue. Here is a little description of what to expect from The Power Unleashed.
Daphne is back for more adventure in the 2nd book of The Power Within Series. She has grown more confident and powerful, which proves to be useful while fighting zombies and a new threat from a nearby camp. come along on Daphne's journey to more discovery, new friends, and unleashing her true power within.
You can purchase your copy by following the link below or by coming to see me at one of my next events. Thank you to everyone who has read, passed the book on to friends/familily, encouraged me to keep going, and continued to inspire me.
The Power Unleashed has received its 1st Reviews! Check one out with the link below to take you to the Jaunts and Haunts Blog.
New Review
Amazon link
This book is great because while it ties up some loose ends from the first book, The Power Within, it gives the reader plenty of new adventure with Daphne.
This story can stand on its own, but it’s even better after reading the first book. And be prepared because just when you think it’s safe, you realize that the fight is not over and you’ll have to wait for the next book to find out what happens with Daphne and her friends and family.
Read this to the kids and gift it to the young adults in your life.
- Terry Willits

The Power Within

Come meet me!
Friday, April 7th
First Friday at The St.Louis Science Center
Saturday, May 20th
Whimsical Spring Market
Streetside Whimsy, Festus, MO
Friday, June 2nd
First Friday at The St.Louis Science Center
Sunday, August 27th
Toyman Show 8AM-2PM
Bridgeton Machinist Hall St. Louis, MO
Saturday, September 23rd - Sunday, September 24th
Midwest Monsterfest
The Rust Belt, East Moline, IL
"We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"
Doctor Who

Get in touch with me for more information about my previous publications and upcoming releases.