Now, that I have committed myself to writing a series, I figured it was time to get my butt in front of my computer again to get the juices flowing. So, I am going to tell you a little story of why I write.
I have always been a creature of doubt and worry. I never thought I was good or talented enough. I was almost in robot mode in life, never taking chances. This all changed after watching how Daphne approached life. She never doubted herself, she never gave up, and never changed who she is, because of worrying about others perceptions. She gave me the courage to be me and get behind my desktop and see what happens.
I started with a simple personal narrative, that was published in Autism Parenting Magazine. I couldn't believe someone actually liked what I wrote! I decided to keep going, I mean why not, right? My next adventure was with a fun, small biography about our personal journey with autism. My reason for this book was to hopefully help people see the positives and beauty of autism.
Now, on to my latest adventure in writing, my first middle-school fiction novel, "The Power Within". This was an exciting and very special book for me to write. Daphne becomes my little super-hero in the zombie apocalypse like she did in real life for me minus the zombies. With this novel series, I hope to show as many people as possible what autism means to us in a really fun way. We need more positive representation, especially with girls on the spectrum.
I will end this very long post with a thank you and a Stephen King quote, from his novel, "On writing". Thank you to everyone who has pushed me, encouraged me, and supported me. Writing for me is a way for my voice to be heard and pour my emotion into black and white for you to read.
"Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So drink. Drink and be filled up." -Stephen King