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It's Bidding Time!

The Peter and Paul Community Services Auction is now live for the next 7 days!

I am lucky enough to have some pretty amazing friends who are doing amazing things. Here is just one example of one of those friends. An old friend from High School organized this online auction to help raise money for Peter and Paul during these uncertain financial times. If you have never heard of this organization, that's fine, let me tell you a little bit about what they do.

Peter and Paul Community Services provides housing and supportive services to those who are homeless, especially those who experience mental illness or live with HIV here in my hometown,

St. Louis, MO.

I couldn't be more honored to have been able to donate something to this cause. Mental health and illness runs very close to my heart. As a child who lost a parent and friends to suicide, struggle with anxiety and depression myself, I have become very passionate about spreading awareness and acceptance through my writing. My hope is to show people they are not alone and to embrace who they are and their differences.

My super talented cover artist of, The Power Unleashed, JT Walls donated an original water color painting to go into The Power Within Basket. If you get the chance you can check out more of his work at

If you are interested in checking out my donation a long with some other auction items you can click this link and it will take you directly to the site for bidding.

Thank you to everyone who has continued to support and embrace my little writing adventure and as always I'm here if you need to talk. I am just an email away.



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